Astrology And Medical Science

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Astrology And Medical Science

Astrology and Medical Science, by the best astrologer in India Dr. Sohini Sastri, is a popular name in the field of KP astrology along with Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, and Colour therapy. Her insight helps her to write such an informative book that brings Indian astrology to the readers. Her book already crossed a successful sell-out of 5000+ copies. She has tried to relate the various astrological signs with the physiology, health and diseases. It is a specialised branch of Vedic Astrology & a lifetime guide for timely research for a healthy and happy life, free from distress and sufferings caused by disease or malady. The study of Medical Astrology and correlating it with planetary influences and aspects is a fascinating subject. The diseases are generally indicated by the malefic influences of planets. Dr. Sohini Sastri has tried to reduce the complexity and explain the various planets that affect our muscles, respiratory, circulatory, digestive & genitor-urinary systems along with the nervous system and a few other organs. Medical Astrology helps in understanding well in advance when and why the human physical body will be in its weakest mode. The author categorises, organises and makes straight the substance reachable.